
Home 9 News 9 Words of the ESC Vice President Dobri Mitrev on the Council work during the year

Words of the ESC Vice President Dobri Mitrev on the Council work during the year


Home 9 News 9 Words of the ESC Vice President Dobri Mitrev on the Council work during the year

In December 2021 Dobri Mitrev is elected as Vice President as a representative of the first group. Mr. Mitrev is chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

– How would you summarize the work of ESC for the past 2021?
The work was intense, in challenging conditions, in an ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, during the first year of the pandemic COVID-19 and now, ESC hasn’t stopped its work and adopted opinions and resolutions on issues important to civil society.
– Which ESC initiatives would you define as the most significant for this period?
I think it difficult to prioritize.
– What do you think should be improved, so that the ESC’s initiatives are even more useful in deepening the dialogue and cooperation between organized civil society and the government?
I think it useful to extend the practice of inviting representatives of the institutions to the first commission’s meeting. In this way, the content of the opinions will be enriched, and the responsible institutions will be informed about the issues we are discussing at a sufficiently early stage.

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