9 in 10 European citizens believe that Social Europe is very important to them personally.
The Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) was the subject of a consultation of the Economic and Social Council with the Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, Andriana Sukova. The topic has been identified as priority of ESC for the entire term, and this year we will adopt an opinion on the European Action Plan for the EPSR, which will contribute to the creation of the national plan, President of the Economic and Social Council ZornitsaRoussinova said at the opening of the discussion. This plan is important for every member state, because through its effective implementation a number of social issues will be solved, which, especially now – in the conditions of the pandemic, become paramount issues of society, ZornitsaRoussinova commented and pointed out the problems of employment, youth unemployment, the risk of poverty and isolation, etc.
According to a Eurobarometer survey, 88% of respondents or 9 in 10 Europeans believe that Europe should be social and this affects their personal lifes trajectories. With these words, Andriana, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European CommissionSukova, began the presentation for the European Action Plan for the EPSR adopted in March this year. The action plan, with its 20 principles and rights, is a guarantee of fair labour markets in the EU, she stressed. The EPSR Action Plan has received very strong support not only from European citizens, but a very strong political commitment from the European institutions such as the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission. In the Plan we have identified 3 priority areas, Adriana Sukova emphasised: more and better jobs, skills and equality and social protection and inclusion.
We expect the upcoming in May this year summit in Porto – Portugal to adopt all three new goals by 2030, which we have set in the European plan, informed the European Commission Deputy Director General. These targets are: employment for 78% of European citizens aged 20-64, 60% of adults to participate in training every year, and to reduce the number of persons at risk of poverty by 15 million. Each country will make its own EPSR action plan according to its needs, Adriana Sukova explained. She emphasized that the main goal of achieving equality between the economic and social dimensions of countries’ progress was ensured by adequate funding under the Multiannual Financial Framework, the European Social Fund+, and other EU funds and programmes.
The European Commission Deputy Director General answered questions posed by ESC members. ESC Deputy Chairman Plamen Dimitrov defined the European Action Plan of the EPSR as a roadmap and a guarantee that social rights will be equalised with the economic criteria for development.
By implementing this plan at national and local level, Bulgaria can achieve much fairer social conditions for citizens – it can reduce the risk of poverty, expand employment opportunities for both young people and adults, give a chance to workers to train and retrain. This plan is also related to the new forms of employment in the processes of digitisation and the transition to a green economy. Therefore, the Economic and Social Council will analyse various aspects of it in its acts during its four-year term, concluded the discussion ESC President ZornitsaRoussinova.