
Home 9 News 9 ESC President Zornitsa Roussinova: A possibility for active participation of youth organizations in the Council should be discussed

ESC President Zornitsa Roussinova: A possibility for active participation of youth organizations in the Council should be discussed


Home 9 News 9 ESC President Zornitsa Roussinova: A possibility for active participation of youth organizations in the Council should be discussed

Study mathematics, listen to the young people and give them a chance – these were some of the messages at the #BeEurope Youth Forum, organized by the Bulgarian Economic and Social Council.

The EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel noted how important is the critical thinking and supported the idea of paying attention not only to formal education, but also to non-formal education and reminded that this year, for the first time, an European Innovative Teaching Award was established. She also mentioned that there is a need for more girls and women in the education system, namely more female entrepreneurs. Bulgaria is well positioned, but in Europe in general only 17 percent of the girls are in information and communication technologies and the number of women as startups founders is very low, she commented.

The ESC President Zornitsa Roussinova summarized that we all together must make efforts in support to young people, listen to them and give them a chance. In her opinion, the possibility for active participation of youth organizations in the Council should be discussed.

Also, in the Youth Forum participated the three ESC Vice-Presidents: Plamen Dimitrov – also President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria; Vasil Velev – Chairman of the Governing Board of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association; and Bogomil Nikolov – Executive Director of the Bulgarian Active Consumers Association. Representative of the Ministry of Education, Bulgarian Telegraph Agency, business, universities, students, young people and young scientists also took part.

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